In Haiti, Honduras and Namibia, we provide financial support for educational projects. At the same time, our global learning modules take a critical look at European colonial history and its effects.
Global Learning
According to the Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum e.V. (EPIZ), Global Learning is an educational concept that “focuses on the interactions between the local and global levels and between the Global North and Global South. It takes up the four dimensions of sustainable development – society, politics, environment and economy – and deals with the resulting challenges and opportunities. Individual, structural and societal levels are included.” (Source: EPIZ)
Other Current Projects
We are also working on various projects in Germany to promote educational justice and highlight important global connections. You want to learn more? Click here!
Partner Project Haiti
Attending public schools costs money in Haiti. This barrier denies around 25% of children access to education. With donations, we support the St. Emma and St. Nicolas schools in Port-au-Prince, helping to finance school attendance for more than 600 children each year. In 2010, the schools, like large parts of Port-au-Prince, were destroyed by the great earthquake. Thanks to the help of numerous donors and initiatives, we were able to finance the construction of two earthquake-resistant schools in 2013.
The stories and present-day realities of people’s lives in Haiti and Europe are interconnected, but are given too little attention in the curricula in Germany. With our materials, children and young people learn about other perspectives and can thus reflect on their own position. They learn to understand global connections and can consequently recognize social options for action. They learn to justify their positions and how to use their political voices.
Click here for our online module on Haiti. In the module, we look at, among other things, the Haitian Revolution and the geopolitical contexts in the context of climate change that have a lasting impact on Haiti.
Our cooperation is organised through the St-Luke Foundation. We are in contact with the foundation through NPH Germany.

Partner Project Honduras
In Honduras we support the daycare center “Pasos Pequeñitos” (engl. Small Steps) and the vocational preparation “Talleres” (engl. Workshops).
Pasos Pequeñitos gives young single parents in the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa the opportunity to complete their education or studies while their children are cared for in a loving environment by Honduran professionals using the Montessori method.
The career preparation project “Talleres” enables disadvantaged young people to gain practical experience in a 3-year program in various trades such as welding, automotive mechanics, painting, carpentry, electrical engineering, cosmetics, and tailoring under the guidance of Honduran professionals. The program ends with a nationally recognized exam. This is an important requirement for further qualification as a trained specialist.
Through our Honduras module, children in Germany will gain an insight into the lives of their peers in Honduras and a rough overview of Honduran society and history. In addition, the modules deal with the topics of migration and refuge.
Both projects are organised by NPH Honduras. Our cooperation with the projects is through NPH Germany.

Partner Project Namibia
German colonial history has left many marks on today’s Namibia. The genocide of the Ovaherero and Nama was probably the most devastating of the German colonial crimes. Today, large parts of owned land are still in the hands of white people, who are thus part of the colonial tradition and continue power structures after many generations.
The school Baumgartsbrunn was (also) founded by a German settler. Its history is marked by colonial power relations, which we see and highlight critically. And yet, in today’s reality, school education represents one of the most important tools against inequality. Today, the school is still called Baumgartsbrunn, but it is run by a Namibian director and Namibian teachers and attended predominantly by children of the Damara minority.
In 2019, the school was threatened to close – since then we have been supporting the school financially and trying to cover needs that are communicated to us by the school.
To have an impact in Germany, we have our modules on German colonial history in Namibia. German and Namibian history are just as inseparable from each other as the realities of life in both places today. Understanding these connections is a central part of educating responsible young people.
Click here for our Namibia module, which focuses on the German colonial crimes, the Namibian resistance and the consequences of colonialism on today.

Pen Paper Peace Italia – Since 2019 our sister organization Pen Paper Peace Italia exists. It was initiated by longtime association member Luca Marinelli.