Donate money
Every donation is a contribution to educational justice in the project countries and a more critical view of colonialism in schools in Germany. For example, 11 euros enables the purchase of a chair for the preschool in Haiti and 45 euros enables the purchase of a school uniform and a backpack.
Donation by bank transfer
You can make project-related donations to support specific projects
- simply by using the purpose in your donation transfer
- or via Betterplace
or make a donation without specifying the project. Both forms are valuable to us.
GLS Community Bank
IBAN: DE32 4306 0967 1126 1134 00
Possible designated use: DONATION or PEN PAPER PEACE or specific donation for your preferred project.

Whether one-time, occasional or regular – support us as a volunteer!
- Prepare posts on relevant topics related to Namibia, Haiti, Honduras that we post on Instagram. For example, about current contexts, political events, or a historical perspective
- bring global learning to schools – use our materials
- help us with events or plan your own
- help us with designs or layouts
- develop internal structures with us
- support us in fundraising
- help us with translations or editing texts
- you have your own ideas? Try it out!
Whatever you have in mind – get in touch with us at mitmachen(at)
As a volunteer, you have many opportunities to get involved in the long term and, over time, to take on more and more responsibility for your own activities.
You are a professional and can do tasks in your field quickly, competently and with heart? Great! Here you can find all current job offers to which you can apply. Just click!